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Long-legged nymphs with regular facial features, easily fluttering along the catwalk, cause amazement in all men. And everyone at such a moment dreams that this beauty will give a smile only to him. Men want to marry a dream woman, but few of them think that a model is a profession that has its own nuances.
Wife-model and life.
A representative of the stronger sex, who firmly decided that he would marry only a model girl, should understand that everyday life is not her forte. She will not collect your socks around the house and stand at the stove all day, frying cutlets.
A model wife will never have enough time for her personal life. As a rule, such girls have a crazy work schedule. In addition, you need to constantly keep yourself in shape. A few hours in the gym, beauty salons, massage, SPA treatments... Her life revolves around this. After all, her job is to look good.
Anna Claire’s - London elite escorts
A model wife and children.
When there is a replenishment in the family, then such a mother will not be able to devote enough time to the kids. The care of the children will be on the nanny or on the father. You need to be prepared for the fact that the child will perceive his mother as that beautiful aunt from the cover or from the TV screen. It happens, of course, that women give up a modeling career for a man, but this is rather an exception to the rule. Such ladies will be discussed below.
Tendency to depression.
Working in the modeling business has one unsightly underside. Model wives are very often depressed. They appear because of the abuse of energy drinks or because of the lack of demand at some point of her type. It only seems that these girls live in a fairy-tale world. In fact, this is hard work, which is sometimes associated with tantrums and nervous breakdowns.
Naomi Campbell, for example, became famous for her nervousness and quarrelsome character. Despite her incredible beauty and frenzied popularity, she never got married. Apparently, there was no man who could withstand such a hurricane. It is also known that the "Black Panther" had problems with narcotic substances. And this is not the only case. In modeling, this addiction is always present. It bypasses some, and pulls others into the abyss. Many men can't stand it and just leave, because they are not able to help or live with such a woman.